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The Story Behind the Development of NexVax2

September 28, 2012

The Story Behind the Development of NexVax2


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ImmusanT’s Chief Scientific Officer, Dr. Bob Anderson, discusses the development of the potential vaccine for celiac disease.

You may have heard of Nexvax2, the “celiac vaccine” currently undergoing clinical trials in the US and around the world. It’s an exciting breakthrough, and one that has been more than 20 years in the making.

To offer some perspective, Bob Anderson, MBChB, PhD, FRACP, Chief Scientific Officer at ImmunsanT, Inc, the pharmaceutical company behind NexVax2, wrote an article explaining the history and research findings that led to the development of this potential vaccine.

To get a glimpse of the process that led scientists to where they are today, read:

Transforming celiac disease from a digestive disease to an immune disease: and restoring tolerance to gluten in celiac disease


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