Beyond Celiac is seeking applications for its 2025 Beyond Celiac Early Career Research Award. The Award consists of a two-year grant of up to $100,000 annually, which includes up to 8 percent in indirect costs.
The objective of the award is to attract highly motivated and talented early career academic investigators to the field of celiac disease. The award is intended to support a research project focused on translational research, with the potential to advance disease knowledge and accelerate discovery and/or development of treatments for celiac disease. The funding period covers October 1, 2025–September 30, 2027.
The proposed project should be conducted using a two-phase approach in which the first phase, Phase 1, is intended for establishing the model and preliminary testing for example: recruitment of patients or obtaining specimens, breeding animals or establishing cell culture.
The start of Phase 2 activities is contingent upon the completion of established milestones for Phase 1.
Phase 1 activities will be conducted during Year 1 (months 1–12). Unless there is reason for delay, Phase 2 activities will be conducted during Year 2 (months 13–24).
Candidates must submit a complete application to: Click “Apply Now” to start your application.
Proposals will be completed within the ProposalCentral platform. Fill out each section as required.
In addition to the sections within the proposal, you must also upload the following documents in the Application Documents section:
Awards made in response to proposals involving research on vertebrate animals and/or human subjects will be contingent upon receipt of copies of approval letters from the requisite regulatory bodies.
A budget must be provided. You will enter your budget in the Budget Detail section of the application on ProposalCentral.
Funding requests may include:
• Personnel (e.g., research assistant and/or faculty salary support; this should include a percentage of effort for the proposed study with appropriate justification)
• Supplies and reagents
• Expenses associated with research involving animals or human subjects
Funding will not be provided for:
Duration of funding: Two years. Unexpended funds must be returned to Beyond Celiac at the end of the research period.
Interim progress reports must be submitted to BEYOND CELIAC after six months, one year and 18 months of support, within 5 business days of each of these deadlines. A final progress report must be submitted to BEYOND CELIAC within 30 days of conclusion of the project and must include a financial statement from the institutional grants or accounting office.
All publications arising from this award must include the following statement “This research was supported by the Beyond Celiac Early Career Research Award (”
The primary criteria for the award include the scientific merit of the proposal and the investigator’s qualifications. Additional criteria include the environment of the host institution and the availability of resources judged essential for the success of the proposed research.
The application deadline is 6:00 PM ET on May 26, 2025. The application and all supporting material must be submitted electronically in the requested format to ProposalCentral.
Technical questions about the grant submission process can be addressed online by Proposal Central Customer Service. Other questions can be directed to [email protected].
Grant recipients will be announced no later than August 25, 2025. Awardees will be notified via email.
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