[These grants have been awarded]
Beyond Celiac, in partnership with the Janssen World Without Disease Accelerator (WWDA), is seeking up to two principal investigators at qualified institutions to address key gaps and challenges and advance celiac disease research. Each grant consists of a two-year award of up to $175,000 annually to fund a project specific to one of the following Topics for Application.
Candidates must submit an LOI to: https://proposalcentral.com/GrantOpportunities.asp?GMID=193
The uploaded proposal must be no more than two pages in length (excluding references). Proposals should be single-spaced and typed no smaller than 10-point font with 1⁄2-inch margins. Include brief details of research project, including hypothesis, scientific rationale and references to published or preliminary data (preliminary data need not be presented in detail). Also describe the potential for translation.
LOIs are not binding. However, only applicants that successfully submit an LOI will be considered for participation in the RFA for these grant awards.
LOIs will be selected to advance primarily on the scientific merit of the proposal. Incomplete LOIs and those that do not meet the eligibility criteria will not be considered for participation in the RFA. Applicants should note that Janssen will be named third-party beneficiary of the RFA, and any grant award is subject to acceptance of terms of the RFA and subsequent Grant Award Agreement. Such RFA draft will be provided following the submission of LOIs and once selected applicants enter into CDAs.
Duration of funding: Two years. Unexpended funds must be returned to Beyond Celiac at the end of the research period.
Interim progress reports must be submitted to Beyond Celiac after six months, one year, and 18 months of support. A final progress report must be submitted to Beyond Celiac after the conclusion of the project and must include a financial statement from the institutional grants or accounting office.
All publications arising from this award must include the following statement: “This research was supported by a 2022 Beyond Celiac Research Accelerator Grant Award.”
The LOI deadline is 6:00 PM ET on September 30, 2022. The proposal and additional materials must be submitted electronically in the requested format to https://proposalcentral.com/GrantOpportunities.asp?GMID=193
Technical questions about the grant submission process can be addressed online by Proposal Central Customer Service. Other questions can be directed to Amy Ratner at [email protected].
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