Describe your life prior to diagnosis.
Anemic. Exhausted. Always had a stomach ache. Mouth ulcers. Hypoglycemia.
How did you find out that you had celiac disease? Did you suspect it beforehand?
Doc was getting worried as my CBC numbers were awful. Especially iron counts. She took a stab at a celiac panel. My numbers were off the charts.
How long did it take for you to get diagnosed since your first symptoms and what (if any) challenges did you face along the way?
I had symptoms my whole life. I was diagnosed at 45 years of age.
Do you believe anything could have sped up your diagnosis? If so, please explain.
Maybe? I had thyroid cancer in 2007. Not sure I was tested for [celiac] then. My nephew & cousin both have celiac, diagnosed in childhood.
Describe your experience living with celiac disease.
Currently [post-diagnosis] it’s been magic. Before diagnosis in 2017, mostly I was exhausted. With diarrhea. Canker sores. Hypoglycemic. Every day was a struggle.
Is there anything else you’d like to add to your story?
Celiac isn’t the end of the world or good food. It just means you really have to be mindful of you.